Tharangambadi is a small town that lies just 15km away from Karakkal in Tamil Nadu. The name Tharangambadi means ‘the land of singing waves’. There are not much interesting spots here. But from a historian’s point of view, this is a place of interest. Tharangambadi was under the rule of Thanjavoor Naik dynasty when the Danes came here for the first time in 1620. The Danish admiral Ove Gjedde realised that this land could be used a s a potential trading centre. So, he signed a deal with the then king Raghunath Naik and built a Danish fort known as Fort Dansborg. Soon it became a Danish colony after a Jesuit Catholic congregation arrived followed by more Christians arriving from Denmark. The major centres of attraction here include a Danish fort, museum and a church. There is also a Subrahmanya Temple which is visited by devotees of Murugan