Turtuk, the land of flowers and fruits is situated 250km away from Ladakh at 9846 feet above sea-level. Visitors can reach Turtuk by hiring a private taxi or shared taxi from Leh. Local government bus service is also available once in a week. Since the roads are not in a good condition, it’s better to avoid bus ride. The ideal time to visit Turtuk is from June to September. Route :-  Leh - Khardung la – Diskit – Nubra Valley – Turtuk. This beautiful place is known as the land of Balti people. Farming is their main occupation.  Once you reach Turtuk, you can either stay at the guest house or opt to stay with the locals as home stay. Remember that there are no ATMs here. The food is mostly vegetarian here.
09 May 2017