Kaduva Kuzhi is a cave that lies near Edakkal Cave, which is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Wayanad district. Kaduva Kuzhi is yet to become a popular destination and tourists usually miss out visiting here while in Wayanad. As I reached Chingeri intersection, I saw a sign board with direction by the tourist department. The road to Kaduva Kuzhi begins here. The road is difficult to travel as it has many rocks and mounts on the way. As I rode through this road, I saw a Eucalyptus plantation farm.  I parked my vehicle here and started walking, breathing in the aroma of Eucalyptus and stroking the green grass along the path. Soon it was noon when I finally climbed up the Kadinappara. I spent some time there gazing at the mountains and the distant view of Karapuzha Dam far way. As you enter the Kaduva Kuzhi cave, the only thing that accompany you is darkness and cold. As you move forward, the silence is broken by the piercing voice of crickets and bats that fly away suddenly scaring you. Many of the passages inside has been blocked by mud falling down. As I slowly climbed down, I reached a small yet beautiful pool of water. You need an oxygen kit and a professional guide to enter deep inside the cave so that you can view and experience the dark and mysterious beauty of Kaduva Kuzhi. It is said that leopards (known as kaduva) used to visit this cave when it was extremely hot outside during summer season. This is why it came to be known as ‘Kaduva Kuzhi’. The total length of the cave is about 800 feet moving in several directions.