Pattiyar Bungalow is one of the most beautiful Inspection Bungalows of the Kerala Forest Department. This bungalow is built on the banks of the Siruvani River. The visitors must get a special permit from the Mannarkkad District Forest Officer to stay in this beautiful building. The dam here across the Siruvani river was built in 1973 to provide drinking water to Coimbatore city according to the inert-state treaty signed by Kerala and Tamil Nadu. There was a check dam here built by the British. A tunnel was drilled in the hill here for almost 8km to bring water to Tami Nadu which was purified and distributed in Coimbatore. Tamil Nadu is responsible for the new dam and the maintenance of the roads. There is a beautiful waterfall on one side of the reservoir. The Pattiyar Bungalow which faces this waterfall was built by the British 150 years ago. And is now the Inspection Bungalow of the Forest Department
03 Sep 2017