Dharavi is one of the largest slums in the world. It is located in Mumbai, Maharashtra. It has more than ten lakh people living there. Situated in Central Mumbai on the banks of River Mahim, this slum is spread over an area of 175 square kilometres. Since Mumbai is considered to be one of the highest rental cities, people with low income who come from other places have often found shelter here. Dharavi lies in between the two sub-urban railways in Mumbai- the Western Railways and the Central Railways. This makes it convenient for the working class as well as the small business men here. People here work mostly in recycling industries or in traditional cottage industries like textile and pottery. These factories produce export quality leather products and clothes with beautiful embroidery. These products are sold in both Indian and international markets. There are many single rooms in the slum that produce such goods. It is estimated that there are more than 15,000 single room product units in Dharavi.