There are a few things that a tourist needs to know, while visiting Kodachadri in Karnataka. There are two ways to reach Kodachadri. The first one is by road. This means you must cover about 40km to reach there. Mainly jeeps are used for this service and it may cost about 350 Rupees. But the best way to reach here is through the forest path. During season time, you will find may pedestrians walking through these forest paths.  Get into a bus from Kollur going to Shimoga and after 8km of usual road, it’s going to be a ride through the forest. You will reach kodachadri peak in about 4-5 hours. The journey through the picturesque jungle is an experience of joy. There is a small village in the middle of the forest where a group of malayalees live. The only place to rest on the way to Kodachadri, is a tea stall by a person living here. Diverse plants and trees grace the forest. The steep ranges of hill and the lush green trees are a sight to behold. Hidlumane waterfalls on the way, has a path for adventurous people to reach on top of Kodachadri but this steep path is dangerous to climb. Kodachadri has several endemic and endangered species of flora and fauna. So, the government has declared it a natural heritage site.