Mangulom is situated in Devikulom taluk at Devikulom block in Idukki. It was established on 2nd October,2000, its under Mangulom panchayat. It's 123 square kilometres in area, on its north,it's Munnar panchayat, on its south side, Adimali panchayat, on its east side Munnar and Pallivasal panchayats, on its north Kuttapuzha, Adimali panchayats. According to the landscape it belongs to highland area, and the main cultivation is rubber, cocoa, palm tree, cardamom, nutmeg, coffee, pepper and coconut tree. Main water bodies are Nallathannipuzha, Mangulom puzha and Ettachola puzha. This highland has many hills and mountains. The main hills are Pallikunne, 96 kunne, Munipara, Parvathymala, Kilikalle, and Virinjapara. Almost 25% of land area is occupied by forest. The attractive tourist spots are Anakulom Ore, Perumennkunne, Nakshatrakuthe, Chinnarkuthe, Killikalle kuthe, Virinja para muniyara, kallakuttukudi kuthe, Kozhivalan kuthe, velliparakudi, and viripara theyilathotam. Nedumbasherry - Kodaikanal state road passes through this panchayat. Devikulom panchayat is different in its landscape, climate, culture, agricultural land from other places in kerala. It's situated as part of western ghat. It belongs to High range climatic condition. Monk treasuries which Researchers have given an age of 3000 years are here. Most of the places are blessed by the footing of Pandyas. Mangulom was not yet known to the public. There are not much developed conveyance to reach here, it more of a paradise in forest. Region surrounded by mountains, with green covering, and blessed with streams, rivers and waterfalls. Mangulom very close to Munnar was supposed to be a known place, but it's still an unknown beauty of natures bench. On the journey from Kallar, a sign board by government of kerala showing 17 kilometre mark welcomes the travelers. The joy ente through this 17 kilometre is big challenging. Few private buses are the road conveyance source over here. After Kurich para and Peechade, it's another world. The journey through the forest trees grown up till sky, passing forest rivers and with the cardamom smell is bloom flowers in anyone's mind. The rest of the journey is through the tea plantation. Tea plantation is neatly cut in layers, with chukka trees grown in proudness, snow waiting to snow into the sand, while walking through this plantation, many competing to capture images for lasting memory can be seen.
 Even though it's very close to Munnar, there are any luxurious resorts or hotels or vehicles in this village. On the other hand, there are mountain groups reaching up to the sky, and beyond the mountains, only clouds stroking the sky. On reaching Mangulom the first thing to do is to book a lodge since there are very few lodge facilities here. To get relief from the long tiring journey, one has to just inhale the fresh air. In this 123 square kilometre area, the population is only 12000. On studying the historic records, it's shown as it's coming under Pujaar kingship. The varieties of climate is another speciality over here. During November-December, it temperature goes much below zero degree Celsius in Viripara, Mangulom with both hot and cold climate, really humid Anakulom, almost within 15 kilometres all these climatic variations are seen. On reaching Mangulom, the best conveyance method is a good Jeep, there is nothing else to travel through the sandy and rocky road. There are many taxi jeeps ready for the trip. It's blessed with many waterfalls that falls down from huge heights. Chinnar waterfalls, Viripara waterfalls, Kozhivalankuthe, Perumbankuthe, Nakstrakuthe and dozens of other waterfalls are there in Mangulom. Most of it falls down from a height of more than 250 feet. It's just not pure water, water is so cold that it will cause shivering of the whole body. May be since it's blessed with many waterfalls, it's the only panchayat that generates electricity and sells it to electricity board. This project near Nakshtrakunne. Anakulom where Wild elephants regularly coming for its drink is another attraction. Many visitors come over here to see that. Elephants take bath in the near by river. During summer, in the deeper parts of forest there will scarcity of water. The elephants come over here in search of water to drink and bath during this time. The local inhabitants reported that the water produced beneath a particular rock in river from where bubbling water is produced has got salt in it which might be attracting the elephants to this location. Locals reported that sometimes even 30 elephants come over as a group. This pattern of herds of elephants visitation will be there for 3-4 months. Only during rainy season they return back to interior forest. In the river, small and big elephants play in addition to that the kids playing football in the nearby playground can only be watched with admiration. None of the elephants that come to river bank has crossed the river and created any trouble for the locals. The forest area under Anakulom forest range also trills the travelers. The visitors usually camp at the green savannah to see the elephants. Forest is blessed with varieties of trees and herbals, moreover there are rare varieties of hornbill and it's the reserve for many other bird species.
Another speciality is that, the life of tribal group that melts into the nature can be studied. There is population scarcity and 25% of them are tribal groups. They are located at Plamalakudi, Thalakandom kudi, Viripara tribal settlement, Kozhiyilakkikudi, Chikkanomkudi, Shevalukudi and at Kallakooti area. The tribal groups are Muthuvan and Mann community. They stay at the deeper forest in their own ways and they rarely communicate with the outside world. They are distinct in their language, dressing style, mores, food and in their money procurement. Tamil mixed Malayalam language is used by them, but they do not have an alphabet. They wear dark coloured clothes and wear a lot of ornaments. Beetal nut  chewing is a part of their daily activity. Many of the men have grown their hair. Forest fruits are the main income source. They always carry a sharp weapon. On reaching adulatory males and females stay away from their houses in separate houses deep inside the forest. There are shire elder who takes care of judicial needs. Mangulom is complete herbal village. It's complete in its agricultural reserve. Cardamom, rubber, coffee, pepper, banana, tapioca, rice and elephant yam are all cultivated here. 99% of the population are farmers. These herbal cultivation reaps 100 percent. More than 100 kilogram weighing bananas, tapiocas that cannot be carried by one person are the special products of this herbal village. To trade the goods, there are agricultural trade markets. Along with cultivation and animal husbandry, they even encourage tourism. Many spice gardens and farms are open to the public. They have turned Fishing itself as a part of tourism. After paying certain amount, visitors can enjoy catching fish using fish hook. Most of the families over here use vegetables that are not contaminated by poison, most of it are grown in their own land. Tree houses are another attraction. In the earlier days, tree houses were built to protect from wild animals. Now it's constructed to attract tourists. On reaching up after climbing stairs leads to a tree house with all facilities. While standing on the tree house in the middle of sky and earth will scare anyone. Even then, feeling the light breeze, listening to the music of moving leaves, looking beyond reach in this forest paradise is a thrilling experience.
25 Feb 2017